Dating IS Awkward

Did you know that the first Sunday of January has the highest number of sign-ups on online dating platforms like Tinder or Bumble? (source)

I think it is part of the new year energy, of wanting something to be different this year - and perhaps wanting to avoid being alone for Valentine’s Day.

And yet, like New Year’s Resolutions, a lot of people give up on this quite quickly. Dating feels too uncomfortable, too confronting, too awkward.

Yet if we want a different outcome in our lives, we also need to do things differently.

So what if instead of fighting the awkwardness, we learned to embrace it instead? I share some thoughts on this very human emotion in this video.

Even if you are not dating, this can also apply to the awkwardness in social situations.

(I love the word awkward. I can definitely identify with it and I love how even the spelling of it feels…awkward).